Luna is a ♀ girl’s name.
Luna is a name of Latin origin. She is the Roman goddess of the moon. The sun god Sol is her brother and the goddess of dawn Aurora is her sister. The goddess Selene is her Greek equivalent. Additionally, Luna is considered a name of Hawaiian origin.
Luna means “moon” (from Latin “luna”). Besides, Luna means “happiness”, “pleasure” or “enjoyment” (from Hawaiian “luana” = to enjoy).
The meaning of the name Luna is quite obvious, but that does not diminish its beauty at all. If your daughter is your little moon, you are exactly right with the name. Also, the history of the name as a Roman goddess of the moon makes the name Luna all the more special. Our first day of the week, Monday, is also derived from the meaning “moon”. So in Romance languages, Luna is the origin for the name of this day, for example Lundi or Lunes. The popularity of the name Luna also increased in 1999, when the band Loona released their hit song “Hijo de la luna” (Child of the Moon).
If you want to chose a similar name, you could go with Lunette, Louna, Lunara or Luneth. Good combinations with middle names are: Luna Alexandra, Luna Marina, Luna Lilly, Luna Sandrine and Luna Isabelle.
Based on the frequency of positive ratings, we can analyze how popular names are in different countries. The name Luna is currently ranked #48 on the name leaderboard. It is one of the most popular baby names.
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