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How do I connect with my partner?

In order to connect your apps, one partner has to send an invitation to the other. To do that one of you opens “INVITE YOUR PARTNER” in the app’s menu.

Enter your first name and click on “INVITE YOUR PARTNER”. Choose which messenger you want to use to send the invitation: email, WhatsApp, Signal, Threema, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, SMS and so on. Send the invitation to your partner.

Now your partner simply has to download the app (if they haven’t done so yet), click on the link in the message and enter her or his first name. That’s it, you can get started!

Please note: For a successful outcome, your partner shall not paste the link into a browser (e.g. Safari) and neither open it via iMessage or Airdrop, but instead she/he has to click directly on the link in the invitation message you sent to her/him.

How does the name comparison work?

Once you’ve connected your app with your partner’s and rated a few names, you can see in the comparison lists where you agree (or not). There are three lists: the ❤ list, the 👍🏻 list and the 👎🏻 list. Oh, and you can also re-rate the names directly in the lists if you want.

The ❤ list

This list is the most important of the three. It contains your absolute favorites and you will probably pick one of these for your baby.

❤ names fulfill the following criteria:

  • Both partners have rated a particular name with ❤
  • One partner has rated the name with ❤, the other one hasn’t rated it yet (that is highlighted with ?). The latter can rate the name directly in the list

The 👍🏻 list

In this list you’ll find all the first names you like, but which aren’t necessarily going to end up in the final round. Names which you want to keep around and have another look at later.

👍🏻 names fulfill the following criteria:

  • Both partners have given a particular name the 👍🏻
  • One partner has rated the name with 👍🏻, the other with ❤
  • One partner has rated the name with ❤, the other with 👎🏻
  • One partner has rated the name with 👍🏻, the other one hasn’t rated it yet (that is highlighted with ?). The latter can rate the name directly in the list
  • One partner has rated the name with 👍🏻. The other didn’t see it yet, because the AI has removed it (due to similar spelling). This is highlighted with x
  • One partner has rated the name with ❤. The other didn’t see it yet, because the AI has removed it (due to similar spelling). This is highlighted with x

The 👎🏻 list

This list is the least important. It contains all the names which one or both of you simply don’t like and which you don’t consider for your baby.

👎🏻 names fulfill the following criteria:

  • Both partners have rated a particular name with 👎🏻
  • One partner has rated the name with 👎🏻, the other with 👍🏻
  • One partner has rated the name with 👎🏻, the other one hasn’t rated it yet (that is highlighted with ?)
  • One partner has rated the name with 👎🏻. The other didn’t see it yet, because the AI has removed it (due to similar spelling). This is highlighted with x

What does x behind a name in the lists mean?

Some names come in many different spellings, for example Mateo, Matteo, Mattéo, Matéo, Matheo, Mattheo, Mathéo and Matthéo. CharliesNames uses an AI to show you the names that best match your search criteria. The AI will remove all the different variants of a name if you’ve rated that name with 👎🏻 – since it assumes that you generally don’t like that name. And that is marked with x.

I would like to exclude letters during the name search, how do I do it?

This option is unlocked for all Pro users. If you are a Pro user, simply go to “My filters”. Either left in the menu on “filters” or directly right on the filter icon.
You can exclude letters with the filter “STARTS WITH” or “ENDS WITH”. Here are a few examples:

  • You don’t want the first name to start with C, then type “-C” in the field “STARTS WITH”.
  • You don’t want the name to start with L, M, and J, then type “-L, -M, -J” the field “STARTS WITH”.
  • You want the name to not start with An, then type “-An” the field “STARTS WITH”.
  • You don’t want the name to end with i, then type “-i” in the field “ENDS WITH”.
  • You want the first name to not end with li, then type “-li” in the field “ENDS WITH”.
  • You don’t want the first name to end with f, n and r, then type “-f, -n, -r” in the field “ENDS WITH”.

Can I reset all my ratings and start from scratch?

Yes, of course you can. In the menu, go to “YOUR DATA” and scroll all the way down to the bottom to “FORGET ALL MY RATINGS”. After you click on the button, we’ll prompt you one more time if you really want to delete all your ratings. If your answer is positive, all ratings will be deleted and you can start the name search from scratch.

I have a new phone. How do I access my data and my ratings?

Please get in touch with us at help@charlies-names.com. We can transfer the app data of your old phone to your new phone. All we need in order to do this is your old and new user hash. You’ll find it in the menu of your old and new app in “YOUR DATA” -> “CSV EXPORT”.

Can I get reimbursed for an in-app purchase?

Sure, that’s easy to do. You can simply reclaim the amount of your in-app purchase in the relevant app store. However we unfortunately can’t do this for you due to privacy reasons.

You’ll find the How To for reimbursements here:

You bought a pro version, which suddenly is not activated anymore?

First of all, thank you for supporting us.
Please check the following: did you create a new Apple / iTunes / Google Play account? The pro version is linked to this account. In this case, please switch back to the previous account.
You can also try to restart the app completely. Or go to “SETTINGS” in the menu and click on “RESTORE”.
If you bought a pro version, you can find that information in the menu under “ABOUT”.
If none of this helps, feel free to contact us at help@charlies-names.com.

I’d like to support CharliesNames. How do I do that?

We’re super happy that you want to support us.

  • You can choose an amount directly in the menu under “ABOUT”. In this case you are forwarded to your app store to finish the process. This way we can unlock the pro version for you.
  • If you just want to support us financially, you can click on “DONATION (WITHOUT PRO VERSION)” and you will be forwarded to PayPal. Or you can just click here: paypal.me/charliesnames
  • You can also support us by bank transfer: CharliesNames UG (haftungsbeschränkt), IBAN DE96700915000000228869, BIC GENODEF1DCA, Purpose: Support CharliesNames
  • Another way to support us is to recommend us. Just go to “RECOMMEND” in the menu.
  • We would also be very happy about a blog article or press report.
  • And last, but definitely not least, you can leave a positive rating for CharliesNames in the app stores.

Thank you so much for your support!

My question isn’t listed here. What do I do?

Just email us at help@charlies-names.com. We are happy to hear from you and will get back to you as soon as we possibly can.

Charlie Charlie