The given name Avery was formed from an English surname, which in turn was derived from a Norman-French form of the given names Alfred or Alberich.
What does the name Avery mean?
Avery means “powerful elf” or “ruler of the elves” (from Alberich) and “elf counselor” (from Alfred).
Variants of Avery
The name Avery is a rather rare given name. Since it can be given as a unisex name, you can choose whether your little son or daughter should be called Avery. As other female spellings still exist Averi or Averie. As a nickname you can give Avi, Ava or Riri. As a middle name for a boy you can choose Avery Jonas, Avery Kenneth, Avery Ben or Avery Jeremiah. For a girl, Avery Ray, Avery Sophie, Avery Gwyneth or Avery Theresa are nice options.
Avery as a first or last name
Avery Brooks is an American actor and director. He was born in Indiana in 1948 and became known for his role as Benjamin Sisko in the series “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine“, which aired from 1993 to 1999. Avery also appeared on and off in the crime series “Spenser.” He also works as a narrator for documentaries and teaches drama at various universities.
Another actor is James Avery, who lived from 1949 to 2013. The American had his breakthrough with his role as Philip Banks in the series “The Prince of Bel-Air” (1990 - 1996) alongside WillSmith. He was repeatedly seen in American TV shows and even made the TV movie “Call me crazy!” in the year of his death.
John Avery is the alias of a famous pirate: the Briton Henry Everys (1659 - 1699). John, or rather Henry was also known as “the arch-pirate”. How he got into piracy is not known in detail. Avery/Everys’ greatest coup was the capture of the pilgrim ships “Fateh Mohammed“ and “Ganj-i-Sawai”, during which he and his crew captured over 600,000 pounds in gold, silver and precious stones, an extensive fortune for that time. Not much is known about his early death either, rumor has it that he died impoverished and penniless. In the century after his death, the 18th century, plays and novels were written about his raids, which have shaped the romanticized image of piracy to this day. The real everyday life of pirates was hard, deprived and dangerous. Henry Everys himself was not a brave sailor, but a brutal leader and slave trader who ruthlessly murdered many people during captures and sold people for profit. To this day, pirates in pop culture stand for courage and a sense of adventure, as shown, for example, by their portrayal in Disney’s “Pirates of the Caribbean”.
A fictional character is Jackson Avery, a doctor on the popular hospital series “Grey’s Anatomy.” He used to be the head of the plastic surgery department and works as an otolaryngologist in the series. The character is portrayed by Jesse Williams and is considered the beau of the clinic.
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