Lia is a ♀ girl’s name.
The name Lia is a variant of Leah and a short form of names ending in “-lia”, especially of Julia, Cornelia or Amilia. Besides, Lia is considered a diminutive of Elizabeth.
Lia has several meanings, e.g. “weary”, “cow”, “lioness” or “mistress” (from Leah), “God is abundance” or “my God is an oath” (from Elizabeth) and “of the Aemilius family”, “rival” or “eager” (from Amilia). Besides, Lia means “of the family of the Julii”, “dedicated to Jupiter” or “devoted to Jove” (from Julia).
There is a variety of ways to spell Lia. In Spanish for example the i in Lia would be apostrophized spelling it Lía. Other Versions are Liah, Liya, Liyah, Lya, Leah, Lea, Leea, Leeah, or Leia.
As the name itself is already an abbreviation there are a few nicknames such as Lili, Lala or Lee.
Depending on the name’s origin there are various possible middle names such as Andrea, Victoria, Marika, Emele, Marie, Mabel, Rose, Marina, Viviana or Joëlle.
Since the name Lia has different possible etymologies, its symbolism varies based on its origin. Lia, derived from Leah, is the representative of a fruitful marriage, according to several major religious traditions. Her symbol is the mandrake (Genesis 30:14).
Based on the frequency of positive ratings, we can analyze how popular names are in different countries. The name Lia is currently ranked #20 on the name leaderboard. It is one of the most popular baby names.
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