♂♀ Name Lou

Lou is a ♀ girl’s name and a ♂ boy’s name. Lou thus belongs to the gender-neutral unisex names.

What is the origin of the name Lou?

Lou is a short form of Louis or Louise and therefore a unisex name. The names derived from the Old High German name Ludwig.

What does the name Lou mean?

Lou means “famous warrior” (from Old High German “hlût” = famous + “wīg” = war/battle).

Variants of the name Lou

Short and clear: that’s the first name Lou! Another special feature in addition to its short sound is that Lou is a unisex name, so can be given to both sexes. In addition to the spelling Lou, the variant Lu is also possible.

Middle names and double names for Lou

Only Lou is too short as a name for your child? These double names are suitable for a girl: Mary-Lou, Emily Lou, Lou-Isabella, Lou-Ann, Tiffany Lou, Lisa Lou and Lou-Audrey. For a boy, you can choose: Lou Oliver, Lou Ray, Lou Milo, Timothy Lou, Noah Lou or Benjamin Lou.

Additional fact on the name Lou

  • The medical name of “Lou Gehring’s disease” is Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The disease is commonly known as Lou Gehring’s disease, because Henry Louis “Lou” Gehring was a famous baseball player for the New York Yankees and had to end his career due to developing symptoms of the disease in 1939. ALS is a progressive disease that affects the brain, nervous system and muscle control.

Pronunciation of Lou

Notable people with the name

Famous people named Lou

  • A famous Lou is Lou Sulola, the youngest daughter of model Heidi Klum. Lou was born in Heidi's marriage with singer Seal in Los Angeles in 2009. She is the fourth and last child of Heidi Klum.
  • Lou Reed was a famous American singer-songwriter and musician. He lived from 1942 until 2013 and started his career with the rock band "the Velvet Underground". After parting ways with the band, Lou had a successful solo career that lasted over five decades. His music was nominated and awarded with various prices.
  • A Lou from the sports world is Lou Williams (born 1986), an American professional basketball player. He started his career in 2005 after being discovered as a youth talent in High School and is still active.

Variants of the name Lou


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Popularity of the name Lou

Based on the frequency of positive ratings, we can analyze how popular names are in different countries. The name Lou is currently ranked #211 on the name leaderboard.

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