Ilvy is a ♀ girl’s name.
Ilvy is a diminutive of the Old Swedish name Ylva, which is of Old Norse origin.
Ilvy means “little she-wolf” (from Old Norse “úlfr” = wolf).
Ilvy can also be spelled Ylvi, Ylvie, Ylvy, Ilvi or Ilvie. Similar fist names are Ilva and Ilvana. Illa, Ilv, Ivy, and Vivi are popular nicknames. Ilvy rhymes with Silvie.
Because of Ilvy’s Nordic heritage, parents like to give siblings Nordic names as well. For boys Lasse, Bosse, Lars, Niels, Piet, Mika and Mikkel are really popular. For girls, Svea, Svenja, Ida, Smilla, Karla, Tilda or Tessa are parents’ favorites.
Ylvi is the best friend of the little viking Wickie from “Wickie and the strong men” from the Swedish author Runer Jonsson (1916 - 2006).
Based on the frequency of positive ratings, we can analyze how popular names are in different countries. The name Ilvy is currently ranked #687 on the name leaderboard.
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