♂♀ Name Milou

Milou is a ♀ girl’s name and a ♂ boy’s name. Milou thus belongs to the gender-neutral unisex names.

What is the origin of the name Milou?

The girl’s name Milou is a combining short form of Marie Louise and a common name in the Netherlands. In France, Milou is also a boy’s name and is derived from Emile.

What does the name Milou mean?

The feminine name Milou means “sea of bitterness”, “drop of the sea”, “star of the sea”, “rebelliousness”, “exalted one” or “wished for child” (from Marie) and “famous female warrior” (from Louise). The boy’s name Milou means “of the Aemilius family” and “rival” or “eager” (from Emile).

Other variants and nicknames

Even though, Milou is an unisex name it is predominantly used as a girl’s name. It is mostly common in the Netherlands and Belgium. Therefore, popular nicknames are mostly female as well, such as Lou, Lulu, Luli, Mille or Milli. Other similar first names are Mali, Maille, Malaya, Malia, Malo, Mauli, Mili, Millie, Milly, Milo, Molly, Myla, Milla, Mallow or Mala.

Famous people and dogs named Milou

  • The Kids TV show “The Adventures of Tintin” is originally named “Tintin et Milou” in Belgium, therefore the white dog Snowy is actually named Milou.
  • Milou is also the name of the family dog of German politician Ursula von der Leyen (born 1958).
  • Milou Van Groesen (born 1988) is a Dutch actress and model. She is mostly known for her roles in “Suntan” (2016) and “One Plus One” (2012).
  • Milou Hilton (born 2020) is the daughter of Barron Hilton (born 1989) and Countess Tessa June von Walderdorff (born 1994). She is also the nice of the famous American media personality, socialite, businesswoman, model, singer, DJ, and actress Paris Hilton (born 1981).

Fun facts

  • Milou in binary code is: 01001101 01101001 01101100 01101111 01110101.

Pronunciation of Milou

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Popularity of the name Milou

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