Luisa is a feminine variant of the masculine name Luis, which derived from Ludwig.
What does the name Luisa mean?
Luisa means “famous female warrior” (from Old High German “hlūt” = famous/loud +”wīg” = battle/war).
Other variants
Luisa can also be spelled Louisa, Louiza, Luiza, Luísa and Luïsa. Anagrams for Luisa are Aulis and Lusia.
Popular nicknames for Luisa are Lia, Isa, Lily, Isy and Liz.
Famous people named Luisa
Princess Luisa Maria of Belgium (born 1995) is the daughter of PrincessAstrid of Belgium and PrinceLorenz of Austria-Este. She is 11th in line of the Belgian Throne.
German climate activist Luisa Neubauer (born 1996) is the main organist of the German “Fridays For Future” movement. She has written two books and is actively advocating for the fight against climate change on German talk shows.
The British actress Luisa Bradshaw-White (born 1974) is known for her roles in “EastEnders”, “Bad Girls”, “Holby City” and “This Life”.
British reality tv personality Luisa Christina Zissman (born 1987) was the runner up on “The Apprentice”. She also participated in the 13th season of Big Brother UK.
Fictional characters named Luisa
In the American romance movie “Nine” from 2009, French actress Marion Cotillard plays the role of Luisa Contini.
On the British TV show “Family Affairs”, Clare Byam-Shaw plays the role of Luisa Warrington.
Luisa Flores is a major character on the animated Disney TV show “Elena of Avalor”. She is the maternal grandmother of protagonist PrincessElena of Avalor.
Luisa Alver, played by Yara Martinez, is the half sister of protagonist Rafael Solano, played by Justin Baldoni, on the TV show “Jane the Virgin”.
Based on the frequency of positive ratings, we can analyze how popular names are in different countries. The name Luisa is currently ranked #89 on the name leaderboard. It is one of the most popular baby names.
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