Lian is a ♀ girl’s name and a ♂ boy’s name. Lian thus belongs to the gender-neutral unisex names.
Lian is a unisex name. The boy’s name Lian is considered a German short form of e.g. Kilian, Gillian or Julian. Lian is also a Chinese name for boys and girls. The feminine name Lian is a common name in the Netherlands and derived from the name Lianne.
The boy’s name Lian means “of the family of the Julii”, “dedicated to Jupiter” or “devoted to Jove” (from Julian or Gillian) and “little warrior”, “bright-headed”, “monk’s cell” or “little church” (from Kilian). The Chinese unisex name Lian means “graceful willow tree”, “lotus flower” (from “lián/莲”) or “waterfall” (from “lián/濂”). The girl’s name Lian has the meanings “of the clearing” and “grace” or “favor” (from Lianne).
There are some anagrams of the name Lian. Anagrams are words formed by rearranging the letters of another. These are Nail or Nial. Nail is Lian spelled backwards.
Female variants of the name Lian are the names Liane or Liana. Similar boy’s names are Liam, Liak, Lianel, Lianh, Liano, Liart, Lias, Lion or Lio. Popular Nicknames are Li, Lii, Lee, Lia, Lie and Lini.
As Lian is a short unisex name, a middle name can be used as a gender specification. Popular masculine middle names are Noah, Jean, Pepe or Phillip. For girls, popular middle names are Edith, Maria, Melissa, Lara, Nicole, Veronica or Shelly.
These names harmonize well with Lian because they are short and modern, are often easy to understand internationally and also match the sound of Lian:
For girls or sisters: Mila, Lina, Nina, Sophie, Emma, Maya, Elin, Lea, Nele & Ella
For boys or brothers: Luca, Milo, Finn, Noah, Emil, Elias, Levi, Leo, Jona & Sam
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