Aila is a ♀ girl’s name.
Aila is a Sami variant of Helga and is popular in Scandinavia and Finland. Besides, Aila is a Scottish name and a variant of the Turkish name Ayla. Aila can be an Arabic name as well.
Aila means “blessed”, “holy” or “healthy” (from Helga). In Scottish Gaelic, Aila means “from a strong place”. In Turkish, Aila has the meanings “moonlight” or “halo” and in Hebrew it means “oak tree” and “terebinth tree”. The Arabic meaning of Aila is “high”, “lofty”, “elevated”, “sublime” or “noble”.
Aila can also be spelled Aayla, Ailla, Ajla, Ayla, Aylah and Aïla. Anagrams for Aila are Alia and Laia.
Popular nicknames for Aila are Ali, Ailia, Aily, Ila, Lala or Lilly.
Popular middle names for Aila are Rose, Zoe, Claire, Joy, Faye, May, Amber and Jasmine.
Based on the frequency of positive ratings, we can analyze how popular names are in different countries. The name Aila is currently ranked #1193 on the name leaderboard.
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