Torvy is a ♀ girl’s name.
Torvy is a variant of the Scandinavian name Thorvi and derived from the Old Norse name Þórví.
Torvy means “thunder” and “goddess of thunder” (from Old Norse “þórr” = thunder) or “dedicated to the God Thor“ (from the Norse God Thor + “vé” = devoted/dedicated).
Alternative spellings for Torvy are Torvi, Thorvy, Thorwie or Thorvi. Male versions of Torvy are Thor, Thorin or Thorvin. Possible nicknames are Tor, Toto, Vivi or Vy.
In other, especially Scandinavian, languages there are other variants of the name Torvy. In Swedish there are Tyra, Thyra, Thyri, Thörin, Tyre, Töre, Tören, Torvi and Thorwie. In Danish there are Tyra, Thyra and Thyre. In English Tyra and Thyra are common. Tyra, Tyyra, Thyra and Tyre are from Finland. Icelandic are Týra, Þorvé, Þyri, and Þyrí. And in Norway there are Tyra, Thyra, Tyri and Tøri.
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