♂♀ Name Kaya

Kaya is a ♀ girl’s name and a ♂ boy’s name. Kaya thus belongs to the gender-neutral unisex names.

What is the origin of the name Kaya?

Kaya is a name of Native American (Hopi), Japanese and Turkish origin. In Turkey, it is a masculine name and in Japan, it is a name for girls. Besides, Kaya is a Scandinavian variant of the girl’s name Kaja.

What does the name Kaya mean?

Kaya means “my elder sister” in Native American and “rock” in Turkish. Besides, Kaya means “yew” (from Japanese “kaya/榧”), “scent” or “fragrance” (from Japanese “ka/香”) and “fruit” (from Japanese “ka/果”). Additionally, Kaya means “pure” (from Kaja).

Other variants

Other female variants of the name Kaya are Caia, Caja, Caya, Kaia or Kaja. In Turkey and Japan, Kaya is also a common last name. Anagrams for Kaya are Akay and Yaka.


Popular nicknames for Kaya are Kay, Kayi, Kayo or Ka.

Famous people named Kaya

  • British actress Kaya Rose Scoderlario-Davis (born 1992) is especially known for her role as Teresa in the “Maze Runner” trilogy. She has two children with actor Benjamin Walker.
  • Canadian singer Kaya Jones (born 1984), actually named Chrystal Neria, was part of the Girlband “Pussycat Dolls”.
  • The American model Kaya Christian (born 1946) was the Playboy Playmate of the Month November in 1967.


The Jamaican reggae musicians Bob Marley and the Wailers published the album “Kaya” with the title track “Kaya” in 1978. Kaya is a Jamaican slang word for marijuana.

Pronunciation of Kaya

Variants of the name Kaya

Caia Caja Caya Kaia Kaja

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Popularity of the name Kaya

Based on the frequency of positive ratings, we can analyze how popular names are in different countries. The name Kaya is currently ranked #1160 on the name leaderboard.

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