Elli is a ♀ girl’s name.
Elli is a short form of several names, e.g. Eleonore, Elizabeth, Elena, Ellen, Elke, Elisa, etc. Elli also derived from the Old Provencal name Alienor. In Norse mythology, Elli is an ancient and very strong giantess and the nurse of the giant Utgardloki. It embodies the age and defeats the god Thor in a wrestling match.
Elli means “stranger” or “foreign” (from Germanic “ali”) and “God is abundance”, “God is my oath” or “God has sworn” (from Hebrew “el/אֵל” = God + “shéva’/שֶׁבַע” = oath/seven = number of abundance). Besides, Elli means “old age” (from Old Norse “elli”).
Elli can also be spelled Ellie, Ellee or Elly, however, Elli appears to be the more popular variant. Other similar names are Ella, Ellia, Elsi, Eliette or Ellen. Nicknames for Elli are El, Li, Lee and Els. Male variants of Elli are Eli, Elliot and Elias.
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