♂♀ Name Elis

Elis is a ♀ girl’s name and a ♂ boy’s name. Elis thus belongs to the gender-neutral unisex names.

What is the origin of the name Elis?

Elis is a Nordic short form of the boy’s name Elias and the girl’s name Elisa.

What does the name Elis mean?

The masculine name Elis means “my God is Yahweh” (from Hebrew “el/אֵל” God + “yah/יָה” = referring to the Hebrew God) and the feminine name Elis means “God is abundance”, “God is my oath” and “God has sworn” (from Hebrew “el/אֵל” = God + “shéva’/שֶׁבַע” = oath/seven = number of abundance).

Pronunciation of Elis

Variants of the name Elis


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Popularity of the name Elis

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