♂♀ Name Bodhi

Bodhi is a ♀ girl’s name and a ♂ boy’s name. Bodhi thus belongs to the gender-neutral unisex names.

What is the origin of the name Bodhi?

Bodhi is a gender-neutral Sanskrit name. In Buddhism, Bodhi is a process of enlightenment, by which a man becomes a buddha.

What does the name Bodhi mean?

Bodhi means “enlightenment”, “awakening”, “enlightened intellect” and “perfect knowledge or wisdom” (from Sanskrit “bodhi/बोधि”).


Possible nicknames for Bodhi are Bobo, Bo or Bod.

Famous people named Bodhi

  • American actor Bodhi Pine Elfman (born 1969) has been working in the movie industry since 1991. He is the son of producer Richard Elfman. Bodhi Elfman’s wife Jenna Elfman is also an actress. The pair has two sons who were born in 2007 and 2010.
  • The daughter of actors Nikki Reed, known from “Twilight”, and Ian Somerhalder, known from “The Vampire Diaries”, is named Bodhi Soleil Reed Somerhalder and was born 2017.
  • The actors Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green share their son Bodhi Ransom Green, born 2014.

Fictional characters named Bodhi

  • In the 1991 movie “Point Break”, Patrick Swayze plays the role of main character Bodhi. Bodhi is a surfer who finances his life style with robbing banks. However, FBI-Agent John ‘Johnny’ Utah, played by Keanu Reeves is on their tracks. In 2015, “Point Break” was a remake of the 1991 original. Venezuelan actor Édgar Ramírez takes on the role of Bodhi. FBI-Agent Johnny Utah is played by Australian actor Luke Bracey.
  • British-Pakistani actor Riz Ahmed has first played the role of Bodhi Rook in 2016. Bodhi Rook is a character in the Star Wars Universe, first appearing in the movie “Rogue One - A Star Wars Story”.

Pronunciation of Bodhi

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Popularity of the name Bodhi

Based on the frequency of positive ratings, we can analyze how popular names are in different countries. The name Bodhi is currently ranked #3865 on the name leaderboard.

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