Fynn is a ♂ boy’s name.
Fynn is a variant of the name Finn, which is of Scandinavian and Irish origin.
Fynn means “white”, “fair” (from Gaelic “fionn”) and “person from Finland”, “Finn”, “Sámi” or “wanderer” (from Old Norse “finnr”).
Since the name Fynn has different regional origins, its meanings are also different. If your son delights with his blond hair after birth, the name Fynn with the meaning “white” can be just right. If you want to pass on your love of travel to your son, “wanderer” is also a great message to send to little Fynn. In addition to the popular spelling Fynn, there are also the variants Finn, Fyn, Fin or Phinn.
Since Fynn is a Nordic first name, a likewise Nordic first name fits super as a middle name. Here you could choose between Fynn Eric, Fynn Gustav, Fynn Bjorn, Fynn Kjell and Fynn Oscar.
Based on the frequency of positive ratings, we can analyze how popular names are in different countries. The name Fynn is currently ranked #66 on the name leaderboard. It is one of the most popular baby names.
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