♂♀ Name Nino

Nino is a ♀ girl’s name and a ♂ boy’s name. Nino thus belongs to the gender-neutral unisex names.

What is the origin of the name Nino?

The boy’s name Nino is a short form of the Italian names Giovanni, Tonino, Antonio and Saturnino. Nino is a Spanish name as well.
In Georgia, Nino is a feminine name that derives from Saint Nino, the enlightener of Georgia.

What does the name Nino mean?

Nino means “Yahweh is gracious” and “Yahweh is merciful” (from Giovanni) or “of inestimable worth” or “priceless one” (from Antonio). In Spanish, Nino means “child” or “boy” (from “niño”).

Pronunciation of Nino

Notable people with the name

  • Nino Schurter (born 1986) is a Swiss mountain biker. He is an Olympic champion and a ten-time world champion.
  • Nino Katamadze (born 1972) is a Georgian female jazz singer and artist.
  • Nino Burjanadze (born 1964) is a Georgian politician. She was the first woman in Georgian history to serve as Speaker of Parliament.
  • Nino de Angelo (born 1963 as Domenico Gerhard Gorgoglione) is a German musician with Italian roots. He has been well-known since the 1980s.
  • Nino Bravo (1944 - 1973), born Luis Manuel Ferri Llopis, was a baroque pop and ballad singer in Spain.
  • Giovanni "Nino" Benvenuti (born 1938) is a former Italian boxer and multiple-time world champion.
  • Nino Manfredi (1921 - 2004, born Saturnino Manfredi) was an Italian screenwriter, actor, and film director.
  • Giovanni "Nino" Rota (1911 - 1979) was an Italian composer, best known for his film scores. He won an Oscar for his score for The Godfather Part II.
  • Saint Nino (c. 300–361) was a missionary and healer who played a key role in the Christianization of the Georgian people. In the Georgian Orthodox Church, she is honored as equal to the Apostles and is revered as the "Enlightener of Georgia."

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Popularity of the name Nino

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