Jandro is a ♂ boy’s name.
The boy’s name Jandro is a diminutive form of the Spanish name Alejandro (Alexander). Additionally, Jandro is a Croatian name that has developed from Andro and Andrija, both of which are derived from Andreas. Both Alejandro and Andreas have Greek origins.
Jandro means “homme”, “mâle”, “viril” et “courageux” (du grec ancien “andreîos/ἀνδρεῖος”, à l’origine de “anēr/ἀνήρ” = homme) and “defending men”, “defender of men”, “defender of the people” or “protector of men” (from ancient Greek “aléxein/ἀλέξειν” = to defend/protect + “anēr/ἀνήρ” = man).
Based on the frequency of positive ratings, we can analyze how popular names are in different countries. The name Jandro is currently ranked #6076 on the name leaderboard.
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