Isacc is a ♂ boy’s name.
Isacc is a form of the biblical name Isaac and is of Hebrew origin.
Isacc means “He (God) will laugh”, “He (God) laughed” or “God has made (somebody) laugh” (from Hebrew “tsakhák/צָחַק” = to laugh).
There are multiple variants of the name Isacc: Isḥāq in Arabic, Sahak in Armenian, Isak in Scandinavian and Isaac, Issac or Ike in English. In Finland you say Iisak, Iisakki, Iikka and Iiro, in France and Spain it is Isaac and in Italian it is Isacco. There is Itzik, Izik, Itzig and Icek in Yiddish, Ísak in Icelandic, Izak in Croatian and Slovene, Izaäk in Dutch, Izaak in Polish, Isaque in Portuguese, Isac in Romanian and Izsák in Hungarian.
Possible nicknames for Isacc are Ike, Isi and Zack.
Popular middle names for Isacc are Gonzalo, Bernardo, Fermin, Roberto, Ruben, Mohamed, Alvaro, German, Antoni, Jordi, Miquel, Miguel, Alejandro, Albert, Enrique, Jaime, Antonio and Nicolas.
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🇮🇪 Ireland | - | - | ✓ | - | ✓ | - |
🇵🇹 Portugal | ✓ | - | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | - |
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